IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications
20–23 May 2024 // Vancouver, Canada



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For contributions towards a foundational understanding of Internet traffic and topology

Walter Willinger has made transformational contributions to the understanding of the temporal nature of Internet traffic and the spatial structure of the physical and logical topologies of the modern Internet. His insights changed the way we model the Internet and evaluate new protocols and network designs. Putting aside preconceived notions of what a network should look like, he carried out precise, large-scale measurements and analyses—and upended the traditional ways of modeling networks. His efforts continue to have a profound influence on the way researchers and practitioners alike think about computer networks. Indeed, all those now responsible for managing and improving the stability, scalability, performance, and security of the Internet are informed by Willinger’s work.

An IEEE Fellow, Willinger is Chief Scientist, NIKSUN Inc., Princeton, New Jersey, USA.


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For contributions to the field of networking and Internet technologies, specifically to traffic engineering, network measurements, and Internet protocols

As the Internet has evolved — and, at times, threatened to devolve into gridlock — Anja Feldmann’s knowledge of network protocols and her mastery in collecting and analyzing measurement data from networks have been critical to its maintenance and improvement. She designed the first system for cross-layer analysis of traffic, she demonstrated how to efficiently carry HTTP traffic over ATM networks, she created the first system for measuring traffic matrices to guide traffic-engineering decisions, and she developed the first router-configuration analysis and verification system. The measurement and analysis tools she built laid the foundation for the design and management of IP networks across the industry. The functionality and resilience of our global communications infrastructure is due in large part to her contributions.

Feldmann is Director of the Max Planck Institute (MPI) for Informatics, Saarbrücken, Germany.

Class of 2024 IEEE Fellows

Zhipeng Cai

for contributions to resource management and scheduling for high-performance computing

Yu Cheng

for contributions to secure wireless networks

Kaushik Chowdhury

for contributions to development of cognitive radio networks and applied machine learning for wireless systems

Ming Li

for contributions to information and network security

2024 IEEE INFOCOM Achievement Award

The IEEE INFOCOM Achievement Award is the highest honor that can be bestowed on a researcher in the INFOCOM community.  The recipient should have a body of work that has had significant impacts on the networking community in general, and INFOCOM in particular.

         BAOCHUN LI

for contributions to the fundamental theory and practical systems of network coding, cloud security, and resource scheduling in distributed systems.

Baochun Li has made pioneering and sustained contributions to computer networking and distributed systems, ranging from the theory and practice of network coding to cloud security and federated learning. He is widely respected for taking the mathematical rigor of theoretical underpinnings to design and build real-world systems of practical relevance.  His pioneering work on both theoretical advances and practical designs of network coding has led to the UUSee live streaming system in 2009, the world’s first large-scale deployment of network coding in commercial live streaming systems. His seminal work in 2014 studied the practical security challenge of sharing data over the cloud, which has become a daily routine with the prevalence of shared cloud storage services. More recently, he has made seminal contributions towards improving the performance of distributed machine learning systems and federated learning. His research impact has led to the IEEE Communications Society Leonard G. Abraham Prize Paper Award (2000), the IEEE Communications Society Multimedia Communications Best Paper Award (2009), as well as the Best Paper Award in IEEE INFOCOM 2023. He is a Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Engineering, the Engineering Institute of Canada, and IEEE.

2024 IEEE INFOCOM Test of Time Paper Awards

The IEEE INFOCOM Test of Time Paper Award recognizes papers published between 10 to 12 years ago (a three-year window) in the INFOCOM proceedings that have been most cited and widely recognized to have a significant impact on the research community.  For 2024, papers published in 2012–2014 INFOCOM proceedings are eligible. 

For 2024, the award committee has selected the following two papers for this award:

Negin Golrezaei, Karthikeyan Shanmugam, Alexandros G. Dimakis, Andreas F. Molisch, Giuseppe Caire,
FemtoCaching: Wireless Video Content Delivery through Distributed Caching Helpers"
in Proc. of IEEE INFOCOM 2012.

Sokol Kosta, Andrius Aucinas, Pan Hui, Richard Mortier, Xinwen Zhang,
Thinkair: Dynamic resource allocation and parallel execution in the cloud for mobile code offloading
in Proc. of IEEE INFOCOM 2012.

2024 IEEE INFOCOM Best Paper Awards

Mengning Li (North Carolina State University, USA); Wenye Wang (North Carolina State University, USA)
Hybrid Zone: Bridging Acoustic and Wi-Fi for Enhanced Gesture Recognition

Claudio Fiandrino, Eloy Pérez Gómez, Pablo Fernández Pérez, Hossein Mohammadalizadeh, Marco Fiore and Joerg Widmer (IMDEA Networks Institute, Spain)
AIChronoLens: Advancing Explainability for Time Series AI Forecasting in Mobile Networks

Christos Tsanikidis and Javad Ghaderi (Columbia University, USA)
Scheduling Stochastic Traffic With End-to-End Deadlines in Multi-hop Wireless Networks

2024 IEEE INFOCOM Best Demo Award

Ziqi Wang and Shiwen Mao (Auburn University, USA)
Demo Abstract: AIGC for RFID-based Human Activity Recognition

2024 IEEE INFOCOM Best Poster Award

Sigrid Dimce (TU Berlin, Germany); Anatolij Zubow (Technische Universität Berlin, Germany); Falko Dressler (TU Berlin, Germany)
mmSplicer: Toward Experimental Multiband Channel Splicing at mmWave Frequencies

Gold Patrons

Student Travel Grant Sponsors